What You Will Learn In the final Hunger Restoration Webinar Series: Lesson 3 – Action
Learn how to put an eat to binge eating urges for good with this specific eating pattern!
- Re-regulate Your ‘Broken’ Hunger Hormones
- How to Recognise fullness
- The 3 ‘Mechanical Eating’ Principles
- How to Portion Meals and Snacks Properly
if you implement the principles of the webinar series, I can promise you that you will be able to:
- Be comfortable trusting and honouring your hunger and fullness
- Get rid of food anxiety and 24/7 food thoughts
- Keep food in your kitchen with no urge at all the binge eat
- Have full control over food – food will have no power over you
I understand that it will be very uncomfortable, but it is necessary to escape the binge-restrict cycle. I have struggled with binge eating for 5 years and I was in this hamster wheel with no way out, I don’t ever want anyone to stay there.
So thank you for watching the webinar series and I really hope you got lots of out of it and enjoyed it!
Access my other resources to help you end binge eating here!
Very helpful info Jonathan. I have fully implemented all your advice / tips you mention on the video and can say…at the begging when I started, I was binge eating most days but now…finally, after a week of mechanical eating (and binging most evenings), I have had two days where I feel satisfied with the meals and snacks and haven’t felt the need to binge. For example, when shopping today I purchased an Almond Croissant but didn’t feel the need to eat it all day…..that’s not to say I won’t eat it tomorrow, as may want it then. I think given I ate mechanically and allowed my body to binge on all the foods it wanted, it finally knows there is abundant supply of it and therefore no need to binge.
I think my keto diet and vast fasting periods was far too restrictive. But in a week or so, if everything continues to go well…do you think it’s ok to start reducing the carbs/sugar so I am not hearing very high carbs like now…so training to 3 meal a day with low/moderate carbs and therefore making the focus more on protein, fats and fibre, however if I want/crave more carbs, sugary items, don’t neglect my craving and allow myself to have some….or is this style being restrictive ?
Hi Rez! I’m really happy for you! You’re doing great! If you crave a food, just go and eat it but if you aren’t craving it and you are not hungry you don’t have to eat it just because mechanical eating told you so. As long as you are keeping yourself at a 7 or 8 out of 10 in the fullness scale, then you don’t need to eat unless you want to eat it for psychological fulfilment. It seems though that you are starting to be more in tune with your hunger cues which sounds great!