Do THIS 1 Thing if Parents Judge Your Food Choices (From a Registered Dietitian)

parents judge food choices, binge dietitian

Parents play a significant role in shaping our lives, and their opinions can hold significant weight when it comes to our decisions, including our food choices. As a registered dietitian, I understand that navigating parental judgments about your food choices can be challenging and emotionally draining. In this article, I will share practical ways to set boundaries, overcome pain points, and stop labelling yourself as ‘fat.’ So, if you find yourself struggling with parents who judge your food choices, read on to discover a few helpful tips.

When parents judge our food choices, it can trigger a range of negative emotions, such as guilt, shame, and a loss of self-confidence. These feelings can adversely impact our relationship with food and our overall well-being. It’s important to acknowledge and address these pain points before moving forward.

1. Set Boundaries

parents judge your food choices, binge dietitian

Setting clear boundaries is crucial when it comes to dealing with parental judgments. Remember, you are responsible for your own well-being, and your food choices should be based on what works best for you. Here are some practical ways to set boundaries:

a) Open and Honest Communication: Have a calm and respectful conversation with your parents about your food choices. Explain your reasoning, emphasizing that you are making informed decisions that prioritize your health and happiness.

Example: “Mom, I understand that you’re concerned about my food choices, but I’ve been working with a registered dietitian who has helped me develop a healthier relationship with food. I feel confident that the choices I’m making are benefiting my well-being.”

b) Share Educational Resources: Offer your parents credible information about nutrition and the importance of diverse food choices. This can help them understand that your decisions are rooted in evidence-based knowledge.

Example: “Dad, I found this article from a registered dietitian that explains how different foods provide unique nutrients. It might help you understand why I’m choosing to include a variety of foods in my diet.”

c) Request Respectful Boundaries: Ask your parents to respect your choices and refrain from commenting or passing judgment. Make it clear that you appreciate their concern, but it’s essential for your mental and physical well-being to feel supported rather than criticized.

Example: “I value your opinion, Mom, but I’d appreciate it if we could refrain from discussing my food choices. I’m trying to create a positive relationship with food, and I believe it would be helpful if we focused on other aspects of our relationship.”

Overcoming Negative Self-Talk:

parents judge food choices, binge dietitian

Parents’ judgments about food choices can sometimes lead to negative self-talk and body image issues. It’s crucial to address and reframe these thoughts to develop a healthier mindset. Here are some practical ways to stop calling yourself ‘fat’:

a) Challenge Negative Thoughts: Whenever you catch yourself using negative language to describe your body or food choices, consciously challenge those thoughts. Replace them with positive affirmations that focus on self-acceptance and self-love.

Example: Instead of saying, “I’m so fat for eating this,” try saying, “I’m nourishing my body with a balanced meal, and that’s a healthy choice.”

b) Surround Yourself with Positive Influences: Seek support from friends, loved ones, or online communities that promote body positivity and healthy relationships with food. Engage in discussions that foster a positive body image and encourage self-compassion.

Example: Follow social media accounts that share messages of body acceptance, such as body-positive influencers, nutritionists, or mental health professionals.

c) Practice Mindful Eating: Cultivate a mindful approach to eating by paying attention to your body’s hunger and fullness cues. Focus on the pleasure and nourishment that food provides rather than fixating on external judgments or labels.

Example: Take time to savor each bite, notice the flavors and textures, and appreciate the nourishment your food provides.


Dealing with parents who judge your food choices can be a challenging experience. However, by setting clear boundaries, overcoming negative self-talk, and focusing on your own well-being, you can establish a healthier relationship with food and cultivate a positive body image. Remember, your food choices are personal and should be based on what works best for you. With open communication, education, and self-compassion, you can navigate these situations while staying true to yourself and prioritising your health and happiness.


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